It started with the music of the Ainur.
But Melkor wanted to increase the power and glory of the part of the music assigned to him.
Melkor had been given the greatest gifts of power and knowledge.
And he always looked for the Imperishable Flame.
But he couldn’t ever reach the Imperishable Flame because it is with Ilúvatar.
And in his heart, he had new ideas for the Great Music.
So he started to weave parts of his thoughts about the Imperishable Flame into the music.
This distracted and disappointed many of the Ainur around Melkor.
And some of them started to align their music with Melkor’s.
This is how the discord of Melkor spread wider.
To the point that the melodies were replaced with the sound of a raging storm.
Until Ilúvatar arose, smiled, lifted up his left hand, and began a new theme.
But Melkor’s discord grew even stronger.
And again, there was a war of sound more violent than before.
Until many of the Ainur stopped singing, Melkor became the master of the song.
So Ilúvatar arose again and raised his right hand.
A third theme started, unlike any before.
The Music became a great battle of sounds.
Until finally, Ilúvatar stood up and raised both hands.
With one deep, high, and piercing chord, all Music stopped.
Photo from AlystraeaArt